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Other Consumables

PFS LimitedInvigorating SoapItem 7

This Item may contain spoilers from the Season of Ghosts Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable Healing Processed 
Source Pathfinder #197: Let the Leaves Fall pg. 74
Price 360 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate 10 minutes (Interact)
This slender bar of pine-scented soap can only be activated when you're immersed in water. Upon activation, the soap covers you in a sudsy foam that quickly fades, filling you with energy and soothing away aches and pains. It immediately restores 10 Hit Points and removes the fatigued condition. If you begin an 8-hour period of rest immediately after using invigorating soap, you regain an additional 10 Hit Points from resting.