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Source Travel Guide pg. 123
You were born on a night when not a single star was in the night sky. While this is likely due to a haze, cloud cover, or other natural phenomena, there is always a chance that the stars hid from you on purpose. You have never been able to rely on the stars to guide you and you choose to exert your own will on your fortune rather than rely on the heavens. You've learned to reject outside influence on your fate, maintaining control of your own destiny.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in Occultism and Astrology Lore. You also gain the Reclaim Destiny action.

Reclaim Destiny [free-action] (divination, occult) Frequency once per day; Trigger You are about to attempt a check and are affected by a fortune or misfortune effect that modifies the triggering check; Effect You break the influence over your fortunes and claim a stable hold over your fate. You ignore the fortune or misfortune effect and can roll the triggering roll normally.