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PFS StandardForge WardenItem 10

Legacy Content

Uncommon Abjuration Magical 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 587 4.0
Price 975 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
Base Shield Steel Shield
The religious symbol of Torag, the forge god—an ornate hammer of dwarven construction—adorns the face of this reinforced steel shield (Hardness 10, HP 40, BT 20). The shield is a religious symbol of Torag.

You and any adjacent allies have fire resistance 5 while you have the shield raised. When used for a Shield Block, the forge warden rings out like the hammer strike of a blacksmith, and the symbol glows as if lit by the fires of a furnace.

Activate [free-action] command (fire); Trigger You use the forge warden to Shield Block an adjacent creature’s attack and the shield takes damage; Effect The attacking creature takes 2d6 fire damage.