HellknightLegacy Content
Source Character Guide pg. 84 2.0Hellknights are among the fiercest warriors in the Inner Sea region, as they have emerged from hell-forged trials ready to serve as faceless bastions of law wherever chaos might threaten to rear.
Hellknight Archetypes
The following archetypes represent fully inducted members of a Hellknight order. You can select the dedication feats for these archetypes even if you haven’t yet gained three feats from the
Hellknight armiger archetype. A character can’t have both the Hellknight and
Hellknight signifer archetypes.
Hellknight Options
A character who is a member of the Hellknights has access to the following uncommon options
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source Character Guide pg. 84 2.0Archetype HellknightPrerequisites Hellknight Armiger Dedication; lawful alignment; member of a Hellknight Order; passed the Hellknight Test
You have forged your body to comply with the commands of your mind—orders steeped in the Measure and the Chain. You gain expert proficiency in
Intimidation (or in another skill in which you’re trained of your choice, if you were already an expert in Intimidation). You gain the armor specialization effects of Hellknight plate, and your resistance from that armor specialization is 1 higher than normal. In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Intimidation checks while wearing your Hellknight plate.
Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Hellknight or
Hellknight armiger archetypes.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Character Guide pg. 84 2.0Archetype HellknightPrerequisites Hellknight Dedication
You sense chaos as an unsettling feeling of nervous energy. When in the presence of an aura of chaos that is powerful or overwhelming, you eventually detect the aura, though you might not do so instantly and you can’t pinpoint the location. This is a vague sense, similar to humans’ sense of smell. A chaotic creature using a disguise or otherwise trying to hide its presence attempts a
Deception check against your Perception DC to hide its aura from you. If the creature succeeds at its Deception check, it is temporarily immune to your Sense Chaos for 1 day.
Alignment Aura
The strength of an alignment aura depends on the level of the creature, item, or spell. The auras of undead, clerics and other divine spellcasters with a patron deity, and creatures from the Outer Sphere are one step stronger than normal (faint instead of none, for example).
Alignment Aura
Creature or Item Level | Spell or Effect Level | Aura Strength |
0-5 | — | None |
6-10 | 0-3 | Faint |
11-15 | 4-7 | Moderate |
16-20 | 8-9 | Powerful |
21+ | 10 | Overwhelming |
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Character Guide pg. 84 2.0Archetype HellknightPrerequisites Hellknight Dedication
You call upon the power of law and make a weapon or unarmed Strike against a foe you have witnessed breaking or disrespecting the law or otherwise acting disorderly. The Strike deals two extra weapon damage dice if the target of your Strike is chaotic. Whether or not the target is chaotic, you can convert the physical damage from the attack into lawful damage.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Character Guide pg. 84 2.0Archetype HellknightPrerequisites Hellknight Dedication
You’ve trained with your order’s weapon and your Hellknight plate long enough to apply your expertise from other weapons and armor. If you have expert proficiency in any weapon or unarmed attack, you gain expert proficiency in your order’s weapon as well. If you have expert proficiency in any armor or unarmored defense, you gain expert proficiency in Hellknight plate as well.