OozemorphLegacy Content
Source The Slithering pg. 59You have suffered from the deadly touch of an ooze or other amorphous creature, like a
gibbering mouther or a
shoggoth, and have come away changed. Alternatively, you might have been exposed to some alchemical accident involving experiments with oozes, such as those performed in the city of Oenopion in Nex. Parts of your body occasionally liquefy and threaten to slough off, and only through force of will can you keep your natural form intact. Your affliction is plainly supernatural in origin and distressingly permanent.
This Feat may contain spoilers from the The Slithering Adventure
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source The Slithering pg. 59Archetype Oozemorph
You are plagued by sporadic anatomical rearrangements, which grant you insights into other creatures with unusual anatomies. You become trained in
Occultism and
Ooze Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert instead. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves to avoid being
Engulfed by creatures, and to checks to
Escape after being Engulfed.
As you develop more abilities based on your amorphous affliction, you become increasingly off-putting to mundane creatures. You take a penalty to
Diplomacy checks against
animals and
humanoids. This penalty is equal to your number of class feats from the oozemorph archetype, to a maximum of –4 for four or more feats.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the oozemorph archetype.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source The Slithering pg. 59Archetype OozemorphPrerequisites Oozemorph Dedication
Your internal organs and blood vessels have shifted and changed, and even you don't know precisely where in your body they are. You gain resistance to precision damage equal to 2 + your number of class feats from the oozemorph archetype. The DC of your flat checks to recover from
persistent bleed damage is 13, rather than 15.
Legacy Content
Archetype Skill Source The Slithering pg. 59Archetype OozemorphPrerequisites Oozemorph Dedication; trained in
Your throat has multiple separate chambers that can give your voice an eerie echo. You can be clearly heard at distances of up to 300 feet regardless of ambient sound, although your voice doesn't penetrate a magical
silence effect.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source The Slithering pg. 59Archetype OozemorphPrerequisites Oozemorph DedicationTrigger You fail (but don't critically fail) a saving throw against an effect with the
visual trait.
You cause your eyes to liquefy and run out of your eye sockets, leaving them empty. You get a success on the save against the triggering effect, but you are
blinded for the duration the effect would have had on a failure. At that time, your eyes regrow and your normal vision returns.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source The Slithering pg. 59Archetype OozemorphPrerequisites Oozemorph Dedication; at least two other class feats from the oozemorph archetype
You can connect with
oozes (and other amorphous
aberrations, at the GM's discretion) on a rudimentary level. You can use
Diplomacy to
Make an Impression on oozes and to make very simple
Requests of them. In most instances, oozes will give you time to make your case.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source The Slithering pg. 59Archetype OozemorphPrerequisites Disturbing Defense
Your skin develops a malleable, rubbery quality. You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage equal to 2 + your number of class feats from the oozemorph archetype. You also gain resistance equal to twice that amount to extra damage from critical hits; if the resistance is greater than the extra damage, it reduces the extra damage to 0 but doesn't reduce the attack's normal damage.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source The Slithering pg. 60Archetype OozemorphPrerequisites Oozemorph Dedication
Your limbs produce strange, sucker-like growths that allow you to adhere to walls, objects, and most other surfaces. You gain a climb Speed equal to your half your land Speed (minimum 5 feet). If you have the
Quick Climber feat, your climb Speed is equal to your land Speed. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Reflex DC to avoid being
Legacy Content
Archetype Source The Slithering pg. 60Archetype OozemorphPrerequisites Disturbing Defense
Your circulatory system contains viscous protoplasmic fluid instead of ordinary blood. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against
disease and
poison, and resistance to poison damage equal to half your level.
In addition, your resistance to precision damage from Disturbing Defense increases to an amount equal to 7 + your number of class feats from the oozemorph archetype, and the DC of your flat checks to recover from
persistent bleed damage is 8 rather than 13.