Expeditious Excavation
[two-actions] Spell 2Legacy Content
Earth Transmutation Source Gods & Magic pg. 107 2.0Traditions arcane,
primalDeities Kabriri,
SairazulCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange touch;
Area cube of dirt 5 feet across or smaller
You remove loose dirt, dust, gravel, sand, and the like (though not solid stone) up to the size of a 5-foot cube. Any Medium or smaller creature standing atop the earth when the spell is cast must attempt a Reflex save or Acrobatics check.
Success The creature is unaffected and can choose to either descend the pit without damage or move to the nearest available space of its choice.
Failure The creature falls
prone in the nearest available space of its choice, or falls into the pit if it prefers.
Critical Failure The creature falls into the pit excavated by the spell and lands prone, taking falling damage as normal.
Heightened (+2) The spell can excavate an additional 5-foot cube of earth. If you excavate all four 5-foot cubes beneath a Large creature, it must attempt a Reflex save or Acrobatics check, as above.