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Other Consumables

PFS LimitedDemortification OilItem 5

This Item may contain spoilers from the Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Consumable Magical Necromancy Oil 
Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 182
Price 30 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
This foul-smelling oil has the appearance and odor of the greasy, thick fluids that seep from a decaying body. When you spread this oil on an intact corpse that has been dead no longer than 1 week, its decay fades and the corpse is restored to the condition it was just after death. Demortification oil can't undo damage done to a corpse after death, such as consumption by scavengers. Applied to a non-incorporeal undead, a dose of demortification oil grants the undead creature a +1 item bonus to Armor Class for 1 hour.