ThaumaturgeLegacy Content
Source Dark Archive pg. 49Scraps of knowledge have taught you how to exploit the vulnerabilities of creatures and the powers of mystical objects.
Multiclass Thaumaturge Characters
Thaumaturge suits characters who want to glean strange knowledge. It's especially useful for those who tend to fight with one-handed weapons, like
swashbucklers or
rogues, since they have their other hand free for an implement.
Legacy Content
Archetype Dedication Multiclass Source Dark Archive pg. 49Archetype ThaumaturgePrerequisites Charisma 14
You've uncovered basic thaumaturgy. You become trained in thaumaturge class DC. Choose an
implement; you can use it to Glimpse Vulnerability, but don't gain its benefits. You also gain a few esoterica, allowing you to use
esoterica actions. You become trained in your choice of
Occultism, or
Religion; if you were already trained in these, you become trained in a skill of your choice. You gain the Glimpse Vulnerability action.
Glimpse Vulnerability [one-action] (
Frequency once per round;
Requirement You are holding your implement;
Effect You glimpse a hidden vulnerability and then strengthen it to aid you. Select a creature you can see. Until you Glimpse Vulnerability again, that target gains weakness 2 against your
unarmed and weapon Strikes.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Dark Archive pg. 49Archetype ThaumaturgePrerequisites Thaumaturge Dedication
You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level
thaumaturge feat of your choice.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Dark Archive pg. 49Archetype ThaumaturgePrerequisites Basic Thaumaturgy
You gain one
thaumaturge feat. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your thaumaturge level is equal to half your character level.
Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you select it, you gain another thaumaturge feat.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Dark Archive pg. 49Archetype ThaumaturgePrerequisites Thaumaturge Dedication
You gain your implement's initiate benefit. If the benefit affects the target of
Exploit Vulnerability, for you it affects the target of
Glimpse Vulnerability instead.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Dark Archive pg. 49Archetype ThaumaturgePrerequisites Thaumaturge Dedication; trained in one of
Occultism, or
Religion and expert in another
Increase your proficiency rank in one of Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion from expert to master and in another from trained to expert. You gain a skill feat associated with the skill you chose.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Dark Archive pg. 49Archetype ThaumaturgePrerequisites Thaumaturge Dedication; expert in Will
You've tempered your mind and become resolute against effects that strain your willpower. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to master.