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PFS StandardWizard

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
You have dabbled in the arcane arts and, through discipline and academic study, learned how to cast a few spells.

Multiclass Wizard Characters

The wizard archetype grants versatile prepared spells, perfect for characters looking to add some extra utility.

PFS StandardWizard Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Dedication Multiclass 
Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Archetype Wizard
Prerequisites Intelligence +2

You cast spells like a wizard, gaining a spellbook with four common arcane cantrips of your choice. You gain the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two cantrips each day from your spellbook. You’re trained in the spell attack modifier and spell DC statistics. Your key spellcasting attribute for wizard archetype spells is Intelligence, and they are arcane wizard spells. You become trained in Arcana; if you were already trained in Arcana, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. Select a school; you don’t gain any abilities from your choice of school, but qualify for feats as a member.

PFS StandardArcane School Spell Feat 4

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Archetype Wizard
Prerequisites Wizard Dedication

You gain your school’s initial school spell. If you don’t already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by studying.

PFS StandardBasic Arcana Feat 4

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Archetypes Spellshot, Wizard
Prerequisites Wizard Dedication

You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level wizard feat of your choice.

PFS StandardBasic Wizard Spellcasting Feat 4

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Archetypes Spellshot, Wizard
Prerequisites Wizard Dedication

You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you gain a spell slot of a new rank from the wizard archetype, add two common spells of that rank to your spellbook.

PFS StandardAdvanced Arcana Feat 6

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Archetypes Spellshot, Wizard
Prerequisites Basic Arcana

You gain one wizard feat. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your wizard level is equal to half your character level.

Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you select it, you gain another wizard feat.

PFS StandardArcane Breadth Feat 8

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Archetypes Spellshot, Wizard
Prerequisites Basic Wizard Spellcasting

Your thorough studies allow you to cast more arcane spells each day. Increase the spell slots you gain from wizard archetype feats by 1 for each spell rank other than your two highest wizard spell slots.

PFS StandardExpert Wizard Spellcasting Feat 12

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Archetypes Spellshot, Wizard
Prerequisites Basic Wizard Spellcasting; master in Arcana

You gain the expert spellcasting benefits.

PFS StandardMaster Wizard Spellcasting Feat 18

Source Player Core pg. 223 2.0
Archetype Wizard
Prerequisites Expert Wizard Spellcasting; legendary in Arcana

You gain the master spellcasting benefits.