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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardAnimal FeatureFocus 2

Uncommon Concentrate Focus Manipulate Morph Ranger 
Source Player Core pg. 383 2.0
Cast [one-action]
Duration 1 minute
Without fully transforming your body, you gain one animalistic feature, which you select from the list below each time you Cast the Spell.
  • Cat Eyes You gain low-light vision.
  • Claws You gain a claw attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage and has the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits.
  • Jaws You gain a jaws attack that deals 1d8 piercing damage and has the unarmed trait.

    Heightened (4th) Add the following options to the list.
    • Fish Tail You gain a swim Speed equal to your land Speed.
    • Owl Eyes You gain darkvision.
    • Wings You gain a fly Speed equal to your land Speed.