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Miogimo's MaskItem 16

This Item may contain spoilers from the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Unique Invested Magical Necromancy 
Source Pathfinder #161: Belly of the Black Whale pg. 77
Price 9,500 gp
Usage worn mask; Bulk L
The crime lord Miogimo almost always appears with this special mask, crafted with a piece of his soul. It has two forms. In its first form, the mask depicts a silvery and angelic face; while wearing the mask in this form, your alignment appears as lawful good to creatures attempting to detect your alignment. In its second form, the mask depicts a gold-skinned demonic face; while wearing the mask in this form, your alignment appears as chaotic evil to creatures attempting to detect your alignment. If you die while wearing the mask, a fragment of your soul is trapped in the mask, forming a life link. If there was already a soul fragment in the mask when this happens, you roll a Will save against the Will DC of the person who left the previous fragment. If you succeed, your soul fragment replaces the old one. On a failure, you die normally.

Activate [one-action] envision; Effect You switch the mask to its other form.

Activate [two-actions] envision; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast crisis of faith (DC 34), targeting up to four creatures within 30 feet. If the mask is in its angelic form, you can target only evil and neutral creatures. If the mask is in its demonic form, you can target only good and neutral creatures.

Activate 10 minutes (command, envision, Interact); Requirements A soul fragment is in the mask; Effect You cast talking corpse on the soul fragment, except you communicate telepathically and don't require the fragment's body to speak.