Actions | Activities

Discover Special Meal

Camping Manipulate 
Source Kingmaker Companion Guide pg. 110
Requirements trained in Cooking Lore
You spend 2 hours attempting to discover a special recipe. Choose a common recipe from those listed starting on page 114; the recipe must be of a level equal to or less than the level of the zone you're camping in. Expend twice the normal amount of ingredients required to prepare 1 serving of the special meal, then attempt that special meal's Cooking Lore check.

Critical Success You discover the special meal and add it to the list of recipes the party knows. In addition, your research was efficient, and you recover half of the ingredients you had to expend to attempt this activity.
Success As critical success, but you do not recover any ingredients.
Failure You fail to discover the special meal and do not recover any ingredients.
Critical Failure As failure, but you also expose yourself to the special meal's critical failure effect while performing an unwise taste test.