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DreadItem 6+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Emotion Enchantment Fear Magical Mental Visual 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 14
Usage etched onto armor; Bulk
Eerie symbols cover your armor, inspiring terror in your foes. Frightened enemies within 30 feet that can see you must attempt a DC 20 Will save at the end of their turn; on a failure, the value of their frightened condition doesn't decrease below 1 that turn.

PFS StandardDread (Lesser)Item 6

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 14
Price 225 gp

PFS StandardDread (Moderate)Item 12

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 14
Price 1,800 gp
The DC is 29, and the value of affected enemies' frightened condition doesn't decrease below 2.

PFS StandardDread (Greater)Item 18

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 14
Price 21,000 gp
The DC is 38, and the value of affected enemies' frightened condition doesn't decrease, no matter the value.