Dutiful Challenge
[two-actions] Focus 4Legacy Content
Abjuration Source Gods & Magic pg. 114 2.0Domain dutyCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange 30 feet;
Targets 1 creature
Duration 1 minute
As you challenge an enemy, you take some of its attention away from your allies. The target takes a –1 status penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks against creatures other than you, and you take a –1 status penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks against creatures other than the target. Each time a creature other than you uses a hostile action that affects the challenged enemy, the enemy can attempt a Will save. On a success, the enemy no longer takes the penalty against that creature. You can Dismiss the spell, and it ends automatically if you or the target is defeated.
Heightened (+3) The status penalties increase by 1.