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PFS StandardSkunk BombItem 1+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Bomb Consumable Olfactory Poison Splash 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 45 1.1
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Strike
Skunk bombs are made from the concentrated odors of xulgaths, hezrous, and other creatures with natural or supernatural stench. The bomb grants an item bonus to attack rolls and deals poison damage and poison splash damage. Any creature hit by the bomb or in its splash area must attempt a Fortitude saving throw with a DC based on the bomb's type. Creatures in the splash area treat the results of their saving throw as one step better.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is sickened 1.
Failure The target is sickened 1 and slowed 1 while sickened.
Critical Failure The target is blinded for 1 round, sickened 2, and slowed 1 while sickened.

Creatures sickened by the bomb emit an odor that lasts 10 minutes after the sickened condition ends (or 1 hour if they were also blinded). The odor can be removed or neutralized by using prestidigitation or similar magic or by spending 10 minutes scrubbing with ample soap and water. While the odor lasts, creatures within 30 feet can smell the target, enabling even those with a weak sense of smell to detect its presence, and all creatures gain a +1 item bonus to Track the affected creature for as long as it has the odor. A creature that has imprecise or precise scent doubles the range at which it can detect the target using this scent.

PFS StandardSkunk Bomb (Lesser)Item 1

Source Treasure Vault pg. 45 1.1
Price 4 gp
Bulk L
The bomb deals 1d4 poison damage and 1 poison splash damage. The Fortitude DC is 15.

PFS StandardSkunk Bomb (Moderate)Item 3

Source Treasure Vault pg. 45 1.1
Price 12 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +1 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals 2d4 poison damage and 2 poison splash damage. The Fortitude DC is 17.

PFS StandardSkunk Bomb (Greater)Item 11

Source Treasure Vault pg. 45 1.1
Price 240 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals 3d4 poison damage and 3 poison splash damage. The Fortitude DC is 28.

PFS StandardSkunk Bomb (Major)Item 17

Source Treasure Vault pg. 45 1.1
Price 2,400 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +3 item bonus to attack rolls. The bomb deals 4d4 poison damage and 4 poison splash damage. The Fortitude DC is 37.