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Spirit Guide

Legacy Content

Rare Beast Spirit 
Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 83
Required Number of Abilities 3
Granted Abilities independent, lifelink, speech

Spirit guide familiars typically take the form of cunning guides or nimble guide.

Spiritual Recall [reaction]

Magical Occult 
Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 83
Frequency once per day; Trigger An attack would reduce your familiar to 0 Hit Points; Effect You use your bond to rescue your familiar. The familiar survives the attack with 1 Hit Point remaining and becomes incorporeal until the end of your next turn.

Bound to Mortal

Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 83
Your familiar gains unique benefits from its bond to you. Your familiar gains an additional 10 Hit Points and can make an either a jaws or claws unarmed attack using your normal melee attack bonus. You choose whether it has a jaws or claws unarmed attack when you first gain the spirit guide as your familiar. If it has a jaws unarmed attack, the attack deals 1d6 piercing damage and is in the brawling group. If you choose the claws unarmed attack, it deals 1d4 slashing damage, has the agile trait, and is in the brawling group