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PFS StandardTrapsmith

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 54 2.0
Wielding a wrench or blowtorch, you manufacture snares that whir and tick with delicate precision. Your best work requires the right materials—a glorious set of brass fittings and cogwheels—with which you create snares that are as elegantly lethal as they are subtle. As a trapsmith, you're always improving your snares: adjusting timing, tweaking triggers, and finding new ways to hide them from foes.

You can select the dedication feat for the trapsmith archetype even if you haven't yet gained three feats from the snarecrafter archetype.

PFS StandardTrapsmith Dedication Feat 4

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Dedication 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 54 2.0
Archetype Trapsmith
Prerequisites Snarecrafter Dedication, or Snare Specialist ranger class feat

You use glimmering gears and gnashing mechanisms to manufacture snares using specialized parts. Your snares include clockwork and steam-powered cogwheels and gears, and their gush of steam can hinder those you ensnare. If you choose to construct a snare using gears and a creature fails their saving throw against the snare, all creatures are concealed to that creature for 1 round, as a burst of steam obscures its vision.

Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the snarecrafter or trapsmith archetypes.

PFS StandardGear Gnash Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 54 2.0
Archetype Trapsmith
Prerequisites Trapsmith Dedication; expert in Crafting

Snares you create have complicated inner workings that are quite difficult to disable. Creatures attempting to Disable your snares that use gears must succeed at an additional Thievery check in order to disable the snare. On a failed check, while the snare doesn't fully trigger, the grinding mechanisms deal bludgeoning damage to the creature equal to half your level. The snare still triggers on a critical failure, as normal.

PFS StandardPropeller Attachment Feat 7

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 54 2.0
Archetype Trapsmith
Prerequisites Trapsmith Dedication; master in Crafting

You've mastered attaching clockwork propellers to your daily quick-deploy snares that use gears. This allows you to place your snares in the air or underwater, where they remain in place for up to 10 minutes, after which the propeller runs out of power and they fall or sink. Unless you use additional precautions to hide it, a propeller snare's location is usually obvious.

PFS StandardRecycled Cogwheel Feat 8

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 54 2.0
Archetype Trapsmith
Prerequisites Trapsmith Dedication

You're able to scavenge the cogwheels from your daily quick-deploy snares that use gears. This allows you to deconstruct a snare that didn't trigger in order to set the snare up somewhere else. Doing so takes the same number of actions as setting the snare did. When you do, you recover the snare and can deploy it in another location.

PFS StandardRepurposed Parts Feat 10

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 54 2.0
Archetype Trapsmith
Prerequisites Trapsmith Dedication

You are familiar with the fittings and cogwheels of your snares and can repurpose parts from prepared quick-deploy snares to assemble a new creation on the fly. Using two of the snares you prepared for quick deployment during daily preparations, you can quickly deploy a different snare that you know how to Craft, even if you didn't prepare that snare during your daily preparations.

PFS StandardFinessed Features Feat 12

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 54 2.0
Archetype Trapsmith
Prerequisites Trapsmith Dedication

You've learned how to build snares that trigger based on visual stimuli. When you construct a snare using gears, you can cause it to trigger based on the visual features of a creature. For example, you could lay a snare that can only be triggered by a Large or Larger creatures, or one that only activates when a creature wearing red clothing would trigger it. You can use this ability to specify your snares to trigger on creatures that typically do not trigger snares, such as creatures smaller than Small, though the creature must still otherwise satisfy the snare's trigger as normal.