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Shadow GuardsHazard 2

Legacy Content

Complex Evocation Magical Shadow Trap 
Source Pathfinder #187: The Seventh Arch pg. 38
Complexity Complex
Stealth +11 (trained) to notice the runes concealed among the drawings
Description Shadowy caricatures of elves peel themselves from the foor and attack everyone in the room.
Disable DC 16 Acrobatics to move through the room without touching any of the runes, followed by DC 18 Thievery (trained) to carve them out of the wood without triggering them; or dispel magic (1st level; counteract DC 16) to counteract the runes
AC 18, Fort +11, Ref +11
Hardness 8, HP 32; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Shadow Rush [reaction] Trigger A creature enters the room; Effect After waiting 1 round, the trap animates its shadowy stick figures and makes a painted spear Strike against each creature in the room. The trap rolls initiative.
Routine Routine (1 action) The drawings stab at each character in the room with spears drawn from sharp lines.
Melee [one-action] painted spear +11, Damage 1d10+4 piercing
Reset The trap deactivates and resets after 1 minute. The drawings cannot pursue characters out of the room.