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Clockwork BumblebeeVehicle 9

Legacy Content

Rare Large Clockwork 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 22
Price 2,100 gp
Space 20 feet long, 10 feet wide, 8 feet high
Crew 1 pilot, 2 crew; Passengers 1
Piloting Check Crafting (DC 28) or Driving Lore (DC 26)
AC 23; Fort +18
Hardness 5, HP 120 (BT 60); Immunities object immunities; Weaknesses electricity 10 until broken
Speed fly 30 feet (clockwork)
Collision 4d10 (DC 26)
Wind-Up (10-minute wind, 10-minute operation, DC 26, standby) Like all clockwork vehicles, a clockwork bumblebee must be wound up in order to operate, and a creature can decrease the operation time by 10 minutes with a successful Disable Device check at the listed DC. A clockwork vehicle can be placed into standby mode by its pilot as a 3-action activity. Its operational time doesn't decrease in standby. You can find more info in the wind-up entry here.