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PFS StandardForgetful DropsItem 3

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable Ingested Poison 
Source Dark Archive pg. 82
Price 10 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
Access Member of a secret society
Activate [one-action] Interact
These innocuous, colorless drops can be poured directly into a victim's mouth, or slipped into their food or drink. They initially haze a victim's mind slightly, making them easier to fool; in later stages, they can lead to the victim entering a murderous confused state. Secret societies use these drops to befuddle a target or to frame them for violence.

Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Onset 5 minutes; Maximum Duration 1 hour; Stage 1 stupefied 1 (10 minutes); Stage 2 stupefied 1 and clumsy 1 (20 minutes); Stage 3 stupefied 1, clumsy 1, and confused (30 minutes)