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There is a Remastered version here.

PFS StandardArsenicItem 1

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Ingested Poison 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 550 4.0
Price 3 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
This toxin is a compound of arsenic and other substances. You can't reduce your sickened condition while affected.

Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Onset 10 minutes; Maximum Duration 5 minutes; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage and sickened 1 (1 minute); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and sickened 2 (1 minute); Stage 3 2d6 poison damage and sickened 3 (1 minute)