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PFS RestrictedSuccubus KissItem 7

Legacy Content

Rare Alchemical Consumable Drug Ingested Poison 
Source Absalom, City of Lost Omens pg. 391
Price 70 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
This rare and highly addictive drug is rumored to be created by wizards working alongside succubi. Taken in the form of lozenges, this drug can heighten the body's pleasure and pain stimuli as well as increase alertness, energy, and euphoria. Serious side effects that can occur include heart attack, stroke, and sudden vision and hearing loss, but these risks do little to deter users.

The save for addiction to succubus kiss is DC 28, and the addiction has the virulent trait.

Saving Throw DC 24 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Maximum Duration 8 hours; Stage 1 +2 item bonus to initiative checks (10 minutes) and to all saving throws against emotion and mental effects; Stage 2 as stage 1 plus drained 1 (1 hour); Stage 3 as stage 2 plus blinded or deafness (1 hour); Stage 4 blindness and deafness (1 hour); Stage 5 unconscious