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Defaced Naiad Queen

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Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 39
Unspecific Lore: DC 37
Specific Lore: DC 34

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Defaced Naiad QueenCreature 14

Legacy Content

Rare CE Medium Amphibious Fey Nymph Water 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 471
Variant female naiad queen
Perception +26; low-light vision
Languages Aklo, Elven, Sylvan
Skills Acrobatics +26, Athletics +23 (+27 to Swim), Deception +29, Diplomacy +27, Intimidation +29, Nature +26, Performance +29, Stealth +26, Survival +24
Str +0, Dex +7, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +8
Shame A defaced naiad queen suffers from shame (see below) when it attacks any target that can cast primal spells, any fey creature, or any creature that can cast divine spells and worships a deity or faith associated with nature or the First World (such as Gozreh, one of the Eldest, or the Green Faith). Forgive Foe can be attempted against a defaced naiad queen with a DC 36 Diplomacy check or Nature check. If a defaced naiad queen is affected by a critical success from Forgive Foe, its eyes are restored and it cries out in relief an instant before it vanishes, returning to the First World as a chaotic neutral naiad queen. As it does so, a wave of emotional thanks and inspiration infuse the character who used Forgive Foe, granting them a +3 status bonus to Lore checks and saves against fear effects for 24 hours.
AC 36; Fort +25, Ref +28, Will +24
HP 210; Weaknesses cold iron 15, Resistances fire 15
Nymph's Tragedy (aura, emotion, enchantment, mental, primal, visual) 30 feet. Creatures that start their turn in this aura must succeed at a DC 31 Will save or become dazzled as their eyes cloud with blood, darkening their vision. This effect persists as long as the creature continues to begin its turn within the aura, even if it can't see the defaced naiad on subsequent turns.
Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] painful caress +28 [+24/+20] (agile, finesse, magical), Damage 3d10-2+14 mental plus Tortuous TouchPrimal Prepared Spells DC 34, attack +26 (-4 dmg); 8th finger of death, heal; 7th chain lightning, dispel magic, fly; 6th baleful polymorph, flesh to stone, lightning bolt; 5th cone of cold, heal (×2); 4th freedom of movement, heal (×2); 3rd blindness, fear, slow; 2nd glitterdust, obscuring mist, web; 1st fear, gust of wind, spider sting; Cantrips (8th) detect magic, guidance, light, ray of frost, stabilize
Primal Innate Spells DC 34, attack +26 (-4 dmg); 4th charm (at will); Constant (4th) speak with plants
Agonized Wail [one-action] (auditory, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental, primal) The defaced naiad queen unleashes an agonized wail. Each creature within 60 feet must succeed at a DC 31 Will save or become frightened 1 (or, on a critical failure, frightened 2 and fleeing until the end of its next turn). The creature is then temporarily immune to Agonized Wail for 1 hour.Baleful Gaze [one-action] (emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, mental, primal, visual) When a defaced naiad queen fixes her gaze upon a foe within range of her nymph's tragedy aura, the creature must attempt a Will save. On a failure, it is affected as if by nymph's tragedy; if it was already affected by that aura, it also takes 8d6 mental damage (16d6 on a critical failure). A defaced naiad queen can use Baleful Gaze on a given creature only once per turn.Tortuous Touch [one-action] A creature struck by the defaced naiad queen's painful caress Strike must attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save. On a failure, painful, jagged wounds open on the creature's body, the pain of which makes it clumsy 1 (clumsy 2 and fall prone on a critical failure). The clumsy condition is permanent until it is removed via an effect like restoration.

The Power of Forgiveness

Some of the creatures in the House at the Edge of Time—the ghostly guards and defaced naiad queens, but most notably Nyrissa herself—still harbor vestiges of goodness in their minds and souls that can be appealed to by PCs who seek to forgive them for their actions. A PC can learn about the Forgive Foe action accidentally if they seek to appeal to a creature in the House at the Edge of Time in this way on their own, or they can learn about it by closely observing how certain creatures act when they attack certain foes.
These foes have a Shame entry in their stat block. When such a foe attacks specific targets delineated in their Shame entry, they suffer a –2 status penalty on attack rolls and to all save DCs to resist their spells or attacks. Whenever such a creature takes an action that triggers this penalty, all creatures within 30 feet can attempt a Perception check against the acting creature's Deception DC. On a success, the creature attempting the check realizes the creature taking the action is suffering from guilt and shame at their own action; this reveals that a Forgive Foe action might help the acting creature recover from its plight.

Forgive Foe [two-actions]

Auditory Concentrate Linguistic Mental 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 460
You make an attempt to force a foe to confront its guilt and face its shame for its actions. When you do so, attempt either a Diplomacy check or another check as indicated in the creature’s Shame entry; the DC is the creature’s Will DC.

Critical Success Your words strike home and allow the creature to escape its servitude to the House at the Edge of Time. The specific effects of this are listed in the creature’s Shame entry.
Success Your words give the foe pause. It suffers a –2 status penalty on all attacks, effect DCs, and its Will DC against additional Forgive Foe attempts until the end of your next turn.
Critical Failure Your attempt fails so dramatically that you instead fuel the creature’s wrath and effectively blind it to its sense of shame and guilt. For the next 24 hours, it no longer suffers the effects of shame when it attacks you and you can no longer attempt to Forgive that Foe.