General Hazards | Adventure-Specific Hazards | Weather Hazards

Haphazard Wood PileHazard 1

Legacy Content

Uncommon Mechanical Trap 
Source Pathfinder #196: The Summer That Never Was pg. 22
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 17 (trained) to notice how the pile might fall on a person disabling it; DC 0 to see the pile.
Description Beams of heavy and sharp wood rest against one another to form a precariously balanced cage tied to several trip lines and tension-bearing dowels.
Disable DC 17 Thievery (trained), Crafting (trained), or Engineering Lore (trained) to figure out how to safely dismantle the pile without it collapsing on anyone.
Collapse Inward [reaction] Trigger Any of the four revelers within the hazard perform any action with the Move trait; Effect The pile collapses onto the four revelers, dealing 1d6+5 bludgeoning damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save) to each of them. All four also take 1d6 persistent bludgeoning damage until they're pulled from the rubble with a DC 17 Athletics check or can Escape (DC 17).
Collapse Outward [reaction] Trigger An attempt to disable the hazard from outside critically fails, or the hazard is intentionally triggered by someone from outside of the wood pile; Effect The pile collapses outward, inflicting 1d6+5 bludgeoning damage to the four revelers (DC 15 basic Reflex save), and 2d6+5 bludgeoning damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save) to all creatures in a 10-foot area surrounding the central 10-foot-square where the revelers were trapped.