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PFS StandardBackfire MantleItem 3+

Legacy Content

Abjuration Invested Magical 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 179 2.0
Usage worn cloak; Bulk 1
This vivid red cloak of sturdy fabric is favored by aggressive battle alchemists and mages, as well as those cautious warriors who need to advance into the fray ahead of the blast-happy back line. The mantle interposes to protect you from your own and allies' magic, granting you a circumstance bonus to Reflex saves against your own spells, as well as those of your allies. You also gain resistance to splash damage from your own alchemical items and those of your allies.

PFS StandardBackfire MantleItem 3

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 179 2.0
Price 45 gp
Bulk 1
The mantle grants a +1 circumstance bonus and resistance 3.

PFS StandardBackfire Mantle (Greater)Item 8

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 179 2.0
Price 430 gp
Bulk 1
The mantle grants a +2 circumstance bonus and resistance 10.