ShieldmarshalLegacy Content
Source Impossible Lands pg. 108Gunplay isn't enough to uphold Alkenstar's laws; when firearms are readily available to criminals and the corrupt, relying solely on firepower isn't always the best approach to law enforcement. To stay ahead in their never-ending war against crime and espionage, Alkenstar's elite shieldmarshals instead refine their skills of marksmanship and situational awareness into a potent blend of operational acumen and special tactics. Shieldmarshals study forensics, engineering, law, and etiquette to navigate the city's volatile conditions and politics; advanced lessons include specialized training to deal with criminals using technology as well as tactical analysis for maneuvering in congested urban environments.
You've undergone specialized training to help you keep the peace in Alkenstar's sprawling streets. Urban operations are dreadfully complex endeavors; closed doors and high walls conceal suspects and belligerents, while every alley and corridor could be a fatal funnel. As a shieldmarshal, you overcome these complexities by reducing and adapting to uncertain elements. You methodically observe your surroundings, make swift decisions, and actualize best practices to pacify hostiles, rescue hostages, and otherwise meet overall mission objectives.
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source Impossible Lands pg. 109PFS Note As usual for archetypes, players who take the Shieldmarshal dedication feat can't select another dedication feat until they have gained two other feats from the Shieldmarshal archetype.
Archetype ShieldmarshalAccess Characters from Alkenstar have access to this archetype
Your elite shieldmarshal training makes you equally at home in the squalor of Smokeside and the splendor of Skyside. You're intimately familiar with the city's labyrinthine streets and statutes. You become trained in
Society; if you were already trained, you become an expert in Society instead. In urban environments, you can attempt Society checks to
Sense Direction. You also gain the
Courtly Graces and
Streetwise skill feats.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Impossible Lands pg. 109Archetype ShieldmarshalFrequency once per hour
Prerequisites Shieldmarshal Dedication
You volunteered for a controversial experimental procedure to install clockwork prosthetic eyes. These eyes relay what you see to shieldmarshal headquarters, which consolidates and analyzes environmental data—Bronzetime/Surgetime probabilities, pressure, temperature, wind, and so on—and feeds them back to you. The Ironmaster periodically reviews the information archives in their ongoing efforts to root out police corruption. When you use your Consolidated Overlay Panopticon, you supercharge the prosthetic eyes; for the next minute, you gain
darkvision and
low-light vision, and you gain a +1 status bonus to visual Perception checks. Even when the prosthetic eyes aren't supercharged, you retain your normal vision.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Impossible Lands pg. 109Archetype ShieldmarshalFrequency once per 10 minutes
Prerequisites Shieldmarshal DedicationTrigger You take damage from a critical hit.
Gritting your teeth through the pain, you position yourself to counterattack. You gain resistance to the damage from the critical hit equal to half your level. As long as you're still conscious after the attack, you can Interact to reload a weapon you currently wield or Stand. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on the next Strike you make against the creature who critically hit you, provided you make it before the end of your next turn.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Impossible Lands pg. 109Archetype ShieldmarshalFrequency once per round
Prerequisites Shieldmarshal Dedication
You understand the need for law enforcement doctrine to adapt to the ever-changing innovations in technology and arcana. Your training in special weapons and tactics give you access to unusual techniques to respond to clockwork- and magic-related crimes. You apply special additives to a loaded firearm. On your next Strike with that firearm before the end of your turn, you deal an additional 2d6 damage if the target is a
construct, and you can treat the ammunition as your choice of
cold iron or
adamantine. At 18th level, this additional damage increases to 3d6, and you can choose to instead treat the ammunition as