Archivist's Gaze
Item 18Legacy Content
Apex Divination Invested Magical Source Secrets of Magic pg. 179 1.1Price 24,000 gp
Usage worn eyepiece;
Bulk —
This strange contraption slides over your eyes, supernaturally sharpening your mind. While peering through it, you can feel some entity whispering to you, telling all sorts of things about the subject of your gaze. You gain a +3 item bonus to
Occultism (though some entities might grant a bonus to a different skill, as determined by your GM). In addition, when you employ an exploration tactic other than Investigating, you also gain the benefits of
Investigating unless you choose not to.
When you invest the spectacles, you either increase your Intelligence score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you the higher score. This gives you additional trained skills and languages, as normal for increasing your Intelligence score. You must select skills and languages the first time you invest the item, and whenever you invest the same
archivist's gaze, you get the same skills and languages you chose the first time.
Activate [one-action] command, Interact;
Frequency once per hour;
Effect Pushing the glasses up your nose and asking the entity for help, you cause the spectacles to cast either
true seeing or a 3rd-level
comprehend language on you. Because the entity tied to the spectacles chooses which one, the GM picks whichever spell is most immediately useful in your current situation (and chooses the most useful language each time the item casts
comprehend language). The spell lasts for 1 minute.