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Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 24
Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 24
Unspecific Lore: DC 22
Specific Lore: DC 19

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

RinCreature 8

Legacy Content

CN Small Ghost Incorporeal Kitsune Spirit Undead 
Source Pathfinder #198: No Breath to Cry pg. 30
Female kitsune ghost
Perception +15; darkvision
Languages Common
Skills Stealth +18, Survival +17
Str -5, Dex +6, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +6
Mindscape Bound Rin is bound to the Willowshore mindscape and can travel anywhere within its borders.

AC 26; Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +13
HP 100 (negative healing, rejuvenation); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious; Resistances all damage 10 (except force, ghost touch, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)
Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] burning touch +18 [+14/+10] (agile, finesse), Damage 2d8+12 fire plus foxfire curseChange Shape (divine, polymorph, transmutation, concentrate) Rin transforms into the tailless form of a specific small human. The tailless form can't be altered and resembles her fox-like humanoid form.Foxfire Curse (curse, fire, evocation, primal) A creature damaged by Rin's burning touch must succeed at a DC 25 Will save or become affected by this curse. During a cursed creature's moments of triumph, they become limned with spectral flames that punish their allies. Whenever the cursed creature scores a critical hit, each ally within their reach takes 1d6 persistent fire damage as the cursed creature's hubris sears them.