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PFS StandardBlightburn BombItem 15+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Bomb Consumable Disease Poison Splash 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 44 1.1
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Strike
Blightburn bombs have radioactive materials sealed inside flasks treated with lead. The bomb grants an item bonus to attack rolls and deals poison damage, persistent poison damage, and poison splash damage, according to the bomb's type. A creature that takes the persistent poison damage deals the splash damage again from its current position as the radiation continues to harm nearby creatures. The persistent damage can last up to 1 minute. Blightburn bombs also expose the primary target to blightburn sickness at the listed Fortitude DC.

PFS StandardBlightburn BombItem 15

Source Treasure Vault pg. 44 1.1
Price 1,200 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls, and the bomb deals 3d6 poison damage, 3d4 persistent poison damage, and 3 poison splash damage. The Fortitude DC is 34.

PFS StandardBlightburn Bomb (Greater)Item 20

Source Treasure Vault pg. 44 1.1
Price 12,000 gp
Bulk L
You gain a +3 item bonus to attack rolls, and the bomb deals 4d6 poison damage, 4d4 persistent poison damage, and 4 poison splash damage. The Fortitude DC is 43.