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Luck BladeItem 17+

Legacy Content

Rare Divination Fortune Magical 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 601 4.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Base Weapon Shortsword
Luck and good fortune bless the wielder of this +3 greater striking shortsword. Luck blades are crafted in a variety of styles, but their hilts or blades always incorporate symbols of luck, such as clovers, horseshoes, fish, ladybugs, or other symbols.

Activate [reaction] envision; Frequency once per day; Trigger You miss on a Strike with the luck blade; Effect Reroll the triggering attack roll and use the new result. This is a fortune effect.

Craft Requirements Supply a casting of wish

PFS StandardLuck BladeItem 17

Source Core Rulebook pg. 601 4.0
Price 15,000 gp

PFS StandardLuck Blade (Wishing)Item 19

Source Core Rulebook pg. 601 4.0
Price 30,000 gp
Some luck blades contain one wish when crafted. You can cast this spell as an arcane innate spell while wielding the luck blade, expending the spell. A spellcaster who can cast wish can place another wish into the blade by spending 8,000 gp and 4 days of downtime. A wishing luck blade can hold no more than one wish at a time.