Captivator Dedication Feat 4Legacy Content
Archetype Dedication Source Grand Bazaar pg. 120Archetype CaptivatorPrerequisites Charisma 14; trained in
Deception or
Your ability to captivate others borders on the preternatural. You are seldom at a loss in social situations, and you can create minor
enchantments or
illusions. Choose Deception or Diplomacy. You become trained in that skill, or become an expert if you were already trained.
Choose two cantrips from the
occult list; each cantrip must be from either the enchantment or illusion school. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity and can cast these spells as occult innate spells. You're trained in occult spell attack rolls and spell DCs. If you have a hand free, you can usually replace material components with somatic components, so you don't need to use a spell
component pouch. Your key spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma.
Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the captivator archetype.
Captivator Dedication Leads To...
Basic Captivator Spellcasting,
Effortless Captivation,
Heightened Captivation,
Look Again,
Reactive CharmTraits
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.
Dedication: Each archetype’s dedication feat represents your character’s dedicated effort learning a new set of abilities, making it impossible to split your focus and pursue another archetype at the same time. Once you take a dedication feat, you can’t select a different dedication feat until you complete your dedication by taking two other feats from your current archetype. You can’t retrain a dedication feat as long as you have any other feats from that archetype.