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PFS StandardOctopus PotionItem 6+

Consumable Magical Morph Potion Water 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 178 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
Eight flailing octopus arms covered in suckers pop out from the sides of your body when you imbibe this potion. The arms share your multiple attack penalty and attempt to Grapple a random enemy within 15 feet of you. On a success, roll 1d4 to determine an additional effect of the arms, which lasts as long as the target remains grabbed or restrained by the arms. On subsequent turns, you can use a single action, which has the attack trait, to have the arms either Grapple a creature currently grappled or restrained (with no added effect) or release any creature they currently hold and repeat their initial effect. After 1 minute, the arms disappear and the potion's effects end.
1d4Added Effect
1The arms cover the eyes; the target is also blinded.
2The arms cover the mouth; the target can't speak.
3The arms wrap around the limbs; the flat check for the target to use a manipulate action while grabbed is DC 7 instead of DC 5.
4 The arms crush your enemy; the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to the potion's level immediately and at the end of each of its turns.

PFS StandardOctopus Potion (Lesser)Item 6

Source Rage of Elements pg. 178 2.0
Price 50 gp
Bulk L
The Athletics modifier is +12 and the Escape DC is 20.

PFS StandardOctopus Potion (Moderate)Item 9

Source Rage of Elements pg. 178 2.0
Price 130 gp
Bulk L
The Athletics modifier is +17 and the Escape DC is 25.

PFS StandardOctopus Potion (Greater)Item 13

Source Rage of Elements pg. 178 2.0
Price 500 gp
Bulk L
The Athletics modifier is +22 and the Escape DC is 30.