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PFS StandardTrick Driver

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 55 2.0
While cavaliers follow an old and tired tradition of mounted combat, you take a more modern road. Through aggressive use of vehicles, you roll across the battlefield, taking down your opponents. You go beyond simply operating a vehicle, pushing it to perform stunts that its builders never intended, transforming the vehicle into something much greater than a mere conveyance.

PFS StandardTrick Driver Dedication Feat 2

Legacy Content

Uncommon Archetype Dedication 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 55 2.0
Archetype Trick Driver

You are equally at home piloting any vehicle, adapting yourself instantly to varied controls, movements, and handling. Whenever piloting a vehicle requires a Piloting Lore or Sailing Lore check, you can use your Driving Lore proficiency instead. You can use Dexterity in place of Intelligence when attempting piloting checks with Driving Lore. You become an expert in Driving Lore. At 7th level, you become a master in Driving Lore, and at 15th level, you become legendary in Driving Lore.

Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the trick driver archetype.

PFS StandardExpress Driver Feat 2

Legacy Content

Archetype Exploration Skill 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 55 2.0
Archetype Trick Driver
Prerequisites Trick Driver Dedication

You can optimize your vehicle's performance, coaxing extra speed and choosing paths to avoid slowdowns. When calculating your travel speed for the day while piloting a vehicle, you can attempt a Driving Lore check to increase your vehicle's travel speed. The DC is determined by the GM but is typically based on the vehicle's piloting DC or a difficulty based on the environment, whichever is harder. On a success, increase your vehicle's travel speed by half. This has no effect on your vehicle's movement in encounters.

PFS StandardPower Slide [one-action] to [three-actions] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Move Reckless Skill 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 55 2.0
Archetype Trick Driver
Prerequisites Trick Driver Dedication
Requirements You are piloting a vehicle.

You throw the vehicle into a barely controlled skid, turning sharply to evade pursuit or bring your weapons to bear. You Drive with a –2 penalty to your piloting check, gaining the effects of the Drive action for the same number of actions you spent to Power Slide. At the end of the movement, if you succeed, you can turn the vehicle up to 90 degrees. If you critically succeed at your piloting check, you can instead turn the vehicle up to 180 degrees.

PFS StandardTake the Wheel [one-action] Feat 4

Legacy Content

Archetype Flourish 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 55 2.0
Archetype Trick Driver
Prerequisites Trick Driver Dedication; expert in Driving Lore
Requirements You are adjacent to a vehicle's point of entry.

Diving into a moving vehicle and seizing the controls is nothing new for you. You Board and Take Control of the adjacent vehicle.

PFS StandardPush it Feat 7

Legacy Content

Archetype Skill 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 55 2.0
Archetype Trick Driver
Prerequisites Trick Driver Dedication; master in Driving Lore

You can push your vehicle's performance beyond the limits envisioned by its makers. Whenever you succeed at a piloting check, the vehicle you are piloting gains a +5-foot circumstance bonus to all its Speeds until the end of your turn. If you critically succeed, this bonus increases to +10 feet.

PFS StandardRoadkill Feat 10

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 55 2.0
Archetype Trick Driver
Prerequisites Trick Driver Dedication
Requirements You are piloting a vehicle.

In your hands, any vehicle is a weapon. When you use Run Over, you can use your class DC in place of the vehicle's collision DC. Your vehicle can Run Over any number of creatures up to one Size smaller than the vehicle or ram any one target creature or object in your path up to the size of your vehicle.

PFS StandardDrive-By Attack [one-action] to [three-actions] Feat 12

Legacy Content

Archetype Flourish 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 55 2.0
Archetype Trick Driver
Prerequisites Trick Driver Dedication
Requirements You are piloting a vehicle.

You can smoothly line up an attack without disrupting your control. You Drive, gaining the effects of the Drive action for the same number of actions you spent to Drive-By Attack. At any point during your vehicle's movement, you Strike.