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PFS LimitedMad Mammoth's JukeItem 5

This Item may contain spoilers from the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Conjuration Consumable Magical Talisman Teleportation 
Source Pathfinder #175: Broken Tusk Moon pg. 76
Price 30 gp
Usage affixed to armor; Bulk
Activate [free-action] envision; Trigger You would be injured by an effect that would bury you, such as an avalanche or a tunnel collapse; Requirements You are an expert in Acrobatics.
This small, fragile tusk came from a very young mammoth. It's filled with ice-cold glacial water and capped with a carved piece of ivory. When you crush the tusk, the water rushes around you in an instant as you twist away from impending disaster with a supernatural flourish. You teleport to an unoccupied space within 200 feet that you can see, bringing along all your equipment. You can't bring any other creature with you, even in an extradimensional space.