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There is a Remastered version here.

PFS StandardMummified BatItem 10

Legacy Content

Consumable Divination Magical Talisman 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 568 4.0
Price 175 gp
Usage affixed to a weapon; Bulk
Activate [one-action] command; Requirements You are a master in Perception
This talisman is the magically treated corpse of a tiny bat bound in papyrus. When you activate the bat, the affixed weapon detects vibrations around you and guides your perception. You gain the benefits of the fighter Blind-Fight class feat for 1 minute.

If you have the Blind-Fight feat, you gain imprecise echolocation with a range of 30 feet for 1 minute. This makes creatures that would be undetected by you because you can’t see them hidden instead.