Zephyr GuardLegacy Content
Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 81You are one of the Zephyr Guard, professional soldiers who protect Katapesh from military threats, economic sabotage, and elite thieves.
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Age of Ashes Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Uncommon Archetype Dedication Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 81Archetype Zephyr Guard
As a Zephyr Guard, you’re always vigilant against crime and threats to the city’s safety. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks against attempts to
Palm an Object,
Steal, or
Conceal an Object (including you’re
Seeking concealed objects). You become trained in
Society and Katapesh
Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert instead.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Zephyr Guard archetype.
Legacy Content
Archetype Skill Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 81Archetype Zephyr GuardPrerequisites Zephyr Guard Dedication
You become trained in your choice of Guild
Lore, Legal Lore, Mercantile Lore, or Underworld Lore. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to
Diplomacy checks to
Gather Information and to checks made to investigate crimes.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 81Archetype Zephyr GuardPrerequisites Zephyr Guard Dedication; trained in
When you attempt to
Demoralize, you can make it harder for the target to flee, in place of the action’s normal effects.
Critical Success For 1 round, the target takes a –10-foot status penalty to Speed and a –4 status penalty to Stealth.
Success For 1 round, the target takes a –5-foot status penalty to Speed and a –2 status penalty to Stealth.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 81Archetype Zephyr GuardPrerequisites Zephyr Guard Dedication; trained in
When you succeed, but don’t critically succeed, at a check to
Disarm a creature, your circumstance bonus to further checks to Disarm that creature is +4 instead of +2. Other creatures gain only the normal bonus.
When you critically succeed at a Disarm check, you can immediately
Demoralize your target as a reaction.
Legacy Content
Archetype Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 81Archetype Zephyr GuardPrerequisites Zephyr Guard Dedication; expert in Perception
You have witnessed hundreds of fighting styles and quickly adapt to defend against complicated maneuvers. Choose a creature within 30 feet who you’re aware of, and attempt a Perception check against that target’s Will DC. If you succeed, you size up their fighting style, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws against that creature’s attacks (or a +2 circumstance bonus for a critical success). These benefits last until the end of your next turn.