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PFS LimitedFiendish TeleportationItem 11

Legacy Content

Rare Conjuration Contract Invested Magical 
Source Legends pg. 10
You tap into the fiendish ability to slip through space. When you Stride, you gain a +3 item bonus to Armor Class against reactions triggered by your movement. Once per day, from any distance, Abrogail Thrune II can call on a provision in your Thrune contract as a single action, causing you to become paralyzed for 1 hour or until Abrogail releases you, whichever comes first.

Activate [two-actions] command; Frequency once per day; Effect You recite a subclause of your contract regarding change in venue. You cast dimension door. The space you leave and the one you appear in are filled with the scent of brimstone, dealing 2d6 evil damage to creatures adjacent to both spaces.