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PFS StandardJaathoom's ScarfItem 10

Air Invested Magical 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 75 2.0
Price 900 gp
Usage worn belt; Bulk
This scarf is made of fine silk that's the same shade of blue as a clear, cloudless sky. The short ends are edged with a fine gold fringe that seems to sway even in still weather as though touched by invisible winds. The long edges have exquisite embroidery in threads that vary from a blue identical to the silk to the deep gray of storm clouds during winter. Wearing this scarf grants a +2 item bonus to Performance checks to dance and to Acrobatics checks to Escape.

Activate—Vanish [two-actions] (concentrate); Frequency once per day; Effect The scarf casts 4th-rank invisibility on you.

Activate—Jaathoom's Rebuke [one-action] (concentrate); Frequency once per hour; Effect You let the winds around you catch the edges of the jaathoom's scarf, and a jaathoom shuyookh appears with a sudden updraft. The winds force your enemies back, granting you some breathing room in battle. Each enemy in a 10-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or be pushed 10 feet. A creature that critically fails is also knocked prone after being moved. Creatures with the air trait are immune to all these effects.