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Midnight MilkItem 5+

This Item may contain spoilers from the Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Alchemical Consumable Drug Ingested Poison 
Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 184
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
Midnight milk is a strange and powerful drug, originally invented by the intellect devourers of the alien city of Ilvarandin to remotely steal the bodies of distant dreaming victims through the use of an artifact called the Dream Lens. Pure midnight milk is incredibly rare—almost all of that found beyond the vault of Ilvarandin is instead cut to reduce costs and expenses. Crafting a dose of this dangerous drug requires a wide range of reagents; the most difficult to acquire of these reagents are vials of refined “sweat” harvested via a mithral blade from the fleshy fronds of a rare form of cavetongue fungus known as authul, which grows wild only in remote corners of the Vaults of Orv. When an alchemist mixes midnight milk, they must do so while in a trancelike state that approximates the dreaming mind—a classic method of reaching this state involves the repetition of a wordless chant spoken in a specific meter and rhyme scheme (one that the poet Vumeshki unknowingly duplicated with his dream-inspired poem, “Ilvarandin”). Recently, an experimental form of the drug created by the alchemist Aliver Podiker has been developed, but so far, attempts to replicate refined midnight milk using these methods have met with failure.

Midnight Milk (Experimental)Item 5

Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 184
Price 30 gp
Bulk L
Saving Throw DC 19 Fortitude; Onset 10 minutes; Maximum Duration 8 hours; Stage 1 +2 item bonus to Perception (1 hour); Stage 2 fatigued (1 hour); Stage 3 unconscious (1 hour; while unconscious, the creature dreams of being drawn down into the Darklands to be ruled by sinister unseen forces—to the dreaming creature, the effect seems to last for years, and the creature is fatigued upon awakening from this stage)

Midnight Milk (Refined)Item 12

Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 184
Price 400 gp
Bulk L
Saving Throw DC 29 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Maximum Duration 8 hours; Stage 1 +3 item bonus to Perception (1 hour); Stage 2 unconscious (1 hour; if the creature recovers from the dosage and wakes up before reaching Stage 3, they don't remember their vivid dreams but do wake up feeling revitalized as if they'd enjoyed a full 8 hours of sleep—this doesn't allow the creature to perform their daily preparations more often than once per day though); Stage 3 unconscious (1 hour; the vivid dreams the creature enjoys at Stage 2 shift into phantasmagoric nightmares as described in the text above—during this stage, the creature is a viable Dream Lens target, and once a creature recovers and awakens from Stage 3, they're fatigued)

Midnight Milk (Pure)Item 20

Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 184
Price 14,000 gp
Bulk L
Saving Throw DC 43 Fortitude; Stage 1 +3 item bonus to Perception checks and Will saving throws; Stage 2 unconscious (1 hour; the creature endures phantasmagoric nightmares as described in the text above—during this stage, the creature is a viable Dream Lens target, and once a creature recovers and awakens from Stage 3, they're fatigued); Stage 3 as stage 2 (1 day)