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PFS StandardExuviae PowderItem 14

Rare Alchemical Consumable Earth 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 98 2.0
Price 750 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
Exuviae powder comes from cast-off shells of cicada-like insects native to the Plane of Earth, crushed to dust. You sprinkle this powder over your body, leaving an iridescent layer reminiscent of insect chitin. After you do so, for 8 hours, you double the time you can hold your breath. During this time, you also have access to the shed chitin activation.

Activate—Shed Chitin [reaction] (concentrate); Trigger You would be petrified; Effect The powder petrifies like a shell around you instead, and its other effects end. The powder causes you to become quickened for 1 minute as well as doomed 1 and restrained (Escape DC 25). You can use the extra action each round only for Escape and Stride actions.