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The Deck of Destiny

The TeamsterItem 20

This Item may contain spoilers from the Stolen Fate Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Unique Abjuration Artifact Invested Magical 
Source Pathfinder #192: Worst of All Possible Worlds pg. 77
Usage carried; Bulk
Suit Shields (Con); Alignment neutral
The Teamster represents the driving force to push on, no matter the circumstance. As long as you have The Teamster invested, all single-target effects that target you and require a saving throw gain the incapacitation trait. If the effect originates from a creature or effect of a level higher than yours, it doesn't gain the incapacitation trait in this way.

Activate [free-action] envision; Frequency once per day; Trigger you are affected by an ongoing condition; Effect You push through your largest hindrance. Select one of the following conditions currently affecting you: blinded, clumsy, confused, controlled, dazzled, deafened, doomed, drained, dying, enfeebled, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, grappled, immobilized, paralyzed, persistent damage, petrified, restrained, sickened, slowed, stunned, stupefied, unconscious, or wounded. If the source of the condition is more than 4 levels lower than your current level, The Teamster automatically counters the condition. Otherwise, The Teamster attempts to counter the condition, with a counteract modifier of +31.