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PFS LimitedAddlebrainItem 7

This Item may contain spoilers from the Age of Ashes Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Alchemical Consumable Inhaled Poison 
Source Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn pg. 71
Price 58 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
Certain Scarlet Triad poisoners use toxins like addlebrain to keep captured prisoners docile and compliant for short periods of time until they can be properly shackled and imprisoned. Addlebrain is distilled from a hallucinogenic lichen that can often be found growing in the sewers below particularly large cities like Katapesh.

Once soaked in special reagents and then dried, a dose of addlebrain must be either lit with flame or tossed into a fire to activate, whereupon it unleashes a cloud of toxin as normal for an inhaled poison.

Saving Throw DC 25 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Maximum Duration 1 day; Stage 1 enfeebled 1 and stupefied 1 (10 minutes); Stage 2 enfeebled 2 and stupefied 2 (1 hour); Stage 3 fatigued, enfeebled 4, and stupefied 4 (1 day)