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Cavern's HeartItem 14

This Item may contain spoilers from the Sky King's Tomb Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Rare Conjuration Earth Magical 
Source Pathfinder #195: Heavy is the Crown pg. 81
Price 4,100 gp
Usage etched onto medium or heavy armor; Bulk
Usage etched onto medium or heavy armor This armor can channel your life force into an enhanced wall of stone.

Activate [three-actions] command; Frequency once per day; Effect By stamping your foot on the ground and calling out to spirits of stone, you summon a stone wall. This is a wall of stone, except that the wall is tied to your own life force. When the stone wall is damaged, you are damaged instead. If you are reduced to 0 HP, the wall is destroyed. The effect is dismissed if you move more than 30 feet away from the stone wall or if you spend a single action with the concentrate trait.