Ghost Dedication Feat 2Legacy Content
Rare Archetype Dedication Source Book of the Dead pg. 46Archetype GhostPrerequisites You died and returned as a ghost.
You have risen as a shell of your former self, a spirit of mist and anguish. You gain the
spirit, and
undead traits, and the
basic undead benefits. Your undead craving is to settle your unfinished business. You also gain the
incorporeal trait except you can't pass through solid objects unless you select the Pass Through feat. Being a ghost has the following major effects.
Floating You can float but are still tethered to the ground. Replace your land Speed with an equal fly Speed. You can't rise more than a few inches above the ground when you
Fly. This means you can move above many types of difficult or hazardous terrain without moving slowly or being damaged, even though you can't fly without limit. You can
High Jump,
Long Jump, and take similar actions, and use your fly Speed for any calculations that would normally require your land Speed.
Items You can transmute physical items to make them part of your incorporeal form. This requires spending 10 minutes with the items within reach, during which you transform the items into part of your form; you can return items you already have incorporated to a corporeal state at the same time. The items retain all their runes and other abilities, need to be invested normally if they have the
invested trait, and need to be worn, held, or stowed appropriately. Once you've incorporated the items, you and other incorporeal creatures can use them normally—you can Interact with them, Release them, and so on. Your incorporated weapons gain the benefits of the
ghost touch property rune, allowing you to use them normally against both corporeal and incorporeal creatures. Incorporated items become corporeal again only if you transmute them back or are destroyed, in which case, they drop to the ground under you.
Attacks Your unarmed attacks become
magical and deal negative damage instead of their normal type.
Strength Unlike most incorporeal creatures, your Strength modifier is not –5; you keep the same Strength score you had before you became a ghost, though you can only attempt Strength-based skill checks—typically
Athletics checks—against other incorporeal creatures, as normal for an incorporeal creature. Against incorporeal creatures, use your Strength normally to determine the results of Athletics checks, Strikes with melee weapons, and any other checks or damage rolls dependent on Strength.
Ties that Bind When you become a ghost, work with your GM to choose a bound site and unfinished business, both of which matter for your character's story, as well as some ghost archetype feats. Your bound site tethers you to the physical world and is typically either a location important to you in life or the place where you died. Unfinished business keeps you from passing to the afterlife. If someone resolves your unfinished business, you decide whether to accept the change and pass on, or to fight it. If you pass on, you get a few minutes to say your goodbyes, and then move into the River of Souls and the afterlife. Your character ceases to be. If you fight the change, you remain, though you and the GM might determine a new unfinished business. If you are physically destroyed, you cease your existence as a ghost but still might not be able to pass on to the afterlife if your unfinished business is incomplete. In this liminal state, you might come across strange energies and become another sort of creature, or anchor to a
summoner and become an eidolon.
Ghost Dedication Leads To...
Frightful Moan,
Ghost Flight,
Ghostly Grasp (Ghost),
Ghostly Resistance,
Pass Through,
Rare: This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.
Dedication: Each archetype’s dedication feat represents your character’s dedicated effort learning a new set of abilities, making it impossible to split your focus and pursue another archetype at the same time. Once you take a dedication feat, you can’t select a different dedication feat until you complete your dedication by taking two other feats from your current archetype. You can’t retrain a dedication feat as long as you have any other feats from that archetype.