Order of the ScourgeLegacy Content
Source Character Guide pg. 83 2.0Favored Weapons Mace,
WhipHellknights of the Order of the Scourge hunt those who pervert the law for their own selfish ends. They seek to destroy corruption and those who hide behind unjust laws and bureaucracy.
Fear No Law, Fear No One Lesser Benefit
Source Character Guide pg. 83 2.0When you roll a success on a save against a fear effect, you get a critical success instead. In addition, any time you gain the
frightened condition, reduce the condition’s value by 1. As usual, this ability reduces the initial
frightened condition by 1, so if you have multiple similar abilities, they don’t both take effect.
Seek Injustice [three-actions] Greater Benefit
Concentrate Divination Magical Revelation Source Character Guide pg. 83 2.0Frequency once per day
With a moment spent focusing, you can locate the telltale signs of corruption no matter what means it may use to hide from your sight. For 1 minute, you can see through up to 5 feet of stone, wood, or similar barriers as if they didn’t exist (though any amount of metal or denser barriers block this effect).