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Touch Focus [free-action] Feat 16

Legacy Content

Archetype Manipulate Metamagic 
Source Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Hardcover pg. 223, Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight! pg. 77
Archetype Sixth Pillar
Prerequisites Sixth Pillar Dedication
Trigger You begin to Cast a Spell that requires a spell attack roll.

You can redirect a spell's power through you to deliver it within striking distance. If your next action is to Cast a Spell with 1 or more targets and a range farther than touch, you change the range to touch. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack. This only allows you to touch a single target with the spell, even if the spell originally affected more than 1 target. As long as your spell attack is successful, the target is knocked prone in addition to the spell's normal effects.



This feat belongs to an archetype.


You must physically manipulate an item or make gestures to use an action with this trait. Creatures without a suitable appendage can’t perform actions with this trait. Manipulate actions often trigger reactions.


Actions with the spellshape trait tweak the properties of your spells. You must use a spellshape action directly before casting the spell you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than casting a spell directly after, you waste the benefits of the spellshape action. The benefit is also lost if your turn ends before you cast the spell. Any additional effects added by a spellshape action are part of the spell's effect, not of the spellshape action itself.