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PFS LimitedCrown of the CompanionItem 6

This Item may contain spoilers from the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Healing Invested Magical Necromancy Positive 
Source Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind pg. 75, Treasure Vault pg. 151 1.1; There is a more recent version of this item. Click here to view.
Price 250 gp
Usage worn crown; Bulk L
Stories tell of a forgotten king who once loved his subjects so much he was willing to give his own life energy for them. Whether true or not, this majestic wooden crown bears elaborate carvings depicting that tale. It's ringed with images of the same kingly figure giving more and more of himself to a throng of needy subjects. While wearing it, you gain a +1 item bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You bow to an ally within 30 feet, creating a magical bond between the two of you. You cast shield other targeting the ally. The link remains even if you move more than 30 feet away from them. At the end of the spell's duration, your ally recovers 4d8 Hit Points and you recover half of what they recover.