DragonSource Dark Archive pg. 100Deviant abilities often trace their origin to massive concentrations of energy, such as being at ground zero of a detonating magical artifact. These energies can linger within an individual to grant them deviations falling under the dragon classification—gouts of flame, electrical breath, and the like—projecting and absorbing it to great effect.
When you gain a dragon-type deviation, choose a type of damage, from cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All abilities you gain from this deviation deal this type of damage and add the corresponding trait to the ability. You also use this damage type for the damage and weakness from your backlash.
Blasting Beams [one-action] Feat 2
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Attack Deviant Evocation Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 9,
Dark Archive pg. 100Requirements You have a free hand.
A directed beam of heat or an arc of lightning is one of the simplest ways to project energy. You fire a blast or beam from one hand. Make an attack roll against a creature within 30 feet. If you succeed, the beam deals 1d6 damage for every 2 levels you have to the target, or double damage on a critical success.
Awakening Your beams blast through targets. Instead of making an attack roll to damage a single creature within 30 feet, you can use Blasting Beams as a 2-action activity to damage all creatures in a 60-foot line, with a
basic Reflex save.
Awakening You can choose to launch smaller, quicker beams from your eyes instead. These deal d4s instead of d6s, but the attack has the
agile trait, and you don't need a hand free to make it, though your eyes must be uncovered.
Consume Energy [reaction] Feat 2
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Abjuration Deviant Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 9,
Dark Archive pg. 100Trigger An enemy within 60 feet uses an ability that has the trait corresponding to your deviation damage type.
Your connection to energy is so much stronger than the offending display in front of you, allowing you to claim it for yourself. Attempt a
counteract check against the triggering effect as you draw it into your body. If you successfully counteract the ability, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to double the counteract level of the ability, which last for 1 minute.
Awakening The energy you consume helps empower your abilities. The next ability from the dragon classification that you use increases its range by 30 feet if it has a range, or increases its area by 10 feet if it's a cone or line. If you don't use this benefit within 1 minute, it fades.
Awakening You channel some of the seized energy into your next attack. Choose one of your weapons or
unarmed attacks. Until the end of your next turn, Strikes with the chosen weapon or unarmed attack deal an additional 1d6 damage of a type matching the energy you consumed.
Storming Breath [two-actions] Feat 6
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Deviant Evocation Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 9,
Dark Archive pg. 100
You spit out a freezing breath or sonic scream. You deal 4d6 damage, plus 1d6 damage for every level you have beyond 6th, to all creatures in a 30-foot cone, with a
basic Reflex save.
Awakening Your blast powerfully batters your foes. A creature that critically fails its save is knocked
Awakening The kickback of your blast helps you make a speedy escape. When you use this ability, you
Fly backward 15 feet in a straight line directly opposite your blast. This movement doesn't trigger reactions based on movement.
Propulsive Leap [one-action] Feat 10
This Feat may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path
Legacy Content
Rare Deviant Evocation Magical Source Gatewalkers Player's Guide pg. 9,
Dark Archive pg. 101
By expelling flames from your feet or levitating through electrical repulsion, you propel yourself through the air. For 1 minute, you gain a fly Speed equal to your Speed or 20 feet, whichever is greater. If you aren't on solid ground at the end of your turn, you must attempt another backlash check for your deviation, though you remain airborne even if you fail your check unless the damage from the check renders you
Awakening You blast through the air at great speed, gaining a +15-foot status bonus to your Fly speed from Propulsive Leap.
Awakening You can use your propulsion as a makeshift weapon. The first time each round you Fly starting from the ground, all creatures adjacent to you take 1d4 damage for every 2 levels you have, with a
basic Reflex save.
Backlash: Energetic Meltdown
As you channel energy through your deviant abilities, some of it turns back on you, spiking your body temperature or dancing across your skin.
Mild Backlash You take damage equal to your level as energy scours your body.
Moderate Backlash Energy wracks your body. After taking the damage, you gain weakness to the energy type of your backlash until your next daily preparations. The weakness is equal to one-third of your level. You also lose immunity to the energy type if you had it, until your next daily preparations.
Severe Backlash Whatever furnace or well within you that provides the energy for your deviation overloads completely, cascading out of you in an uncontrolled burst. You deal 1d6 damage per level to all creatures in a 30-foot emanation with a
basic Fortitude save. You automatically take full damage without attempting a save.