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There is a Remastered version here.

PFS StandardConceal Spell [one-action] Feat 2

Legacy Content

Concentrate Manipulate Metamagic Witch Wizard 
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 101 2.0, Core Rulebook pg. 210 4.0

Hiding your gestures and incantations within other speech and movement, you attempt to conceal the fact that you are Casting a Spell. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell, attempt a Stealth check against one or more observers’ Perception DCs; if the spell has verbal components, you must also attempt a Deception check against the observers’ Perception DC. If you succeed at your check (or checks) against an observer’s DC, that observer doesn’t notice you’re casting a spell, even though material, somatic, and verbal components are usually noticeable and spells normally have sensory manifestations that would make spellcasting obvious to those nearby.

This ability hides only the spell’s spellcasting actions and manifestations, not its effects, so an observer might still see a ray streak out from you or see you vanish into thin air.

Conceal Spell Leads To...

Silent Spell



An action with this trait requires a degree of mental concentration and discipline.


You must physically manipulate an item or make gestures to use an action with this trait. Creatures without a suitable appendage can’t perform actions with this trait. Manipulate actions often trigger reactions.


Actions with the metamagic trait, usually from metamagic feats, tweak the properties of your spells. You must use a metamagic action directly before Casting the Spell you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than Cast a Spell directly after, you waste the benefits of the metamagic action. Any additional effects added by a metamagic action are part of the spell’s effect, not of the metamagic action itself.