Improvised Crafting Feat 8Legacy Content
Archetype Exploration Manipulate Skill Source PFS Guide pg. 52Archetype SwordmasterPrerequisites Swordmaster Dedication; expert in
You've learned to repair your equipment even in challenging circumstances, making use of what you have available. You can attempt to
Repair an item without a
repair kit, instead improvising tools out of your gear or found items. This adds 5 minutes to the time it takes to Repair the item. You can also Repair an item while on the move without needing a stable surface. This adds 10 minutes to the times it takes to Repair the item.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.
Exploration: An activity with this trait takes more than a turn to use, and can usually be used only during exploration mode.
Manipulate: You must physically manipulate an item or make gestures to use an action with this trait. Creatures without a suitable appendage can’t perform actions with this trait. Manipulate actions often trigger reactions.
Skill: A general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype’s dedication feat.